Re: which domain is running?

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 16:01:34 -0700

Ludovic Champenois wrote on 08/21/09 13:31:
> On 8/21/09 12:54 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>> I've been thinking about this list-domains bug:
>> If I have two domains, both using the same admin port, how do I
>> tell which of the domains is running? I need some way to tell whether
>> the server I'm talking to corresponds to the domain directory I'm
>> looking at.
> We have the same issue with NetBeans or Eclipse integration where you
> can register many different domains...(multiple v1,v2,v2.1,v3p,v3
> nightlies)
> The extra info we have there is that the IDEs know the installed
> location of these local servers, so the trick is to ask the running
> server its installation directory and then we know which one is running
> or not with domain location comparison
> http://localhost:4848/__asadmin/__locations
> or
> asadmin __location
> will give you the install and domain locations IIRC.

I converted list-domains to use this and it seems to be working. Thanks!