create-domain fixes and changes

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Mon, 03 Aug 2009 23:18:42 -0700

I just checked in some fixes and changes to the create-domain command.
The biggest change that I wanted to warn people about is that you are
now required to specify an admin user when you create the domain, just
like in v2, but you can specify "anonymous" (or hit return when prompted)
to allow anonymous login.

This is a change in behavior for v3 that makes it more compatible with
v2; let me know if you think that's a mistake.

The full list of changes is:

Restore support for AS_ADMIN_ADMINPASSWORD, but deprecated.
Always require admin user, prompting if necessary - issue 8871.
If neither --adminport nor --portbase is specified, use default admin port.
Print more information about the domain that was created.
Fix extra space after prompts.
Show default option value in usage message.