Re: [v3] Stricter JAR visibility requirements in EE 6 vs GlassFish v2 behavior

From: Roberto Chinnici <Roberto.Chinnici_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 11:24:56 -0700

Typically we don't base container behavior on the version of the
deployment descriptor present in an app or module.

It seems to me that the "EE 6 restrictions" should be honored regardless
of the descriptor version.
The property in (3) could then be used to override the restrictions for
apps that either don't have a descriptor or have an EE 5 one.


Tim Quinn wrote:
> On the arch mailing list this past spring we started this discussion
> but never closed on it. I followed up with a message on that list on
> Aug. 7 but heard no response so I am moving the discussion to this
> list and proposing a path forward that was talked about in this week's
> v3 engineering meeting.
> The Java EE 6 platform spec imposes stricter requirements than EE 5 on
> what JARs are to be visible to the various submodules of an
> application. Sections EE 8.3.1 (web), 8.3.2 (EJB), and 8.3.3 (app
> client) in particular list the JARs that submodules must, may, and
> must not have access to.
> In particular, and of particular interest to me, the spec mandates
> that app clients must not have access to EJB JARs or other JARs in the
> EAR unless references using the standard Java SE mechanisms
> (extensions, for example) or the EE library-directory mechanism.
> In GlassFish v2 and earlier, in addition to these JARs app clients had
> access to EJB JARs and any JAR at the top-level of the EAR. (This
> feature predated the Java EE 5 library-directory feature for EARs.)
> The proposal from today's engineering meeting is this:
> 1. GlassFish v3 will inspect the schema version referenced in the
> application.xml (if present). If the schema is for EE 6 then
> GlassFish v3 will honor the EE 6 restrictions. If the schema is for
> EE 5 or earlier then GlassFish v3 will behave as GlassFish v2.
> 2. GlassFish v3 will treat an application with no descriptor as an EE
> 6 app and will enforce the EE 6 restrictions.
> 3. Users might have existing apps which depend on the v2 behavior and
> which do not have descriptors. To handle this case the deploy command
> will support a property that overrides the schema version (whether
> explicit as in #1 or defaulted as in #2).
> We did not discuss how to name this property. Some options:
> deploy ... --property jarVisibility=javaee5 (or javaee6) [referring
> to the EE spec version]
> deploy ... --property jarVisibility=v2 (or v3) [referring to the
> GlassFish version]
> Because part of the solution is to examine the schema version in
> application.xml (which is related to the Java EE version) it might be
> clearer to have the property refer to the EE version also.
> Please respond to this message with feedback, concerns, questions,
> etc. Ideally we would take care of this issue this week before the
> soft code freeze (next Monday).
> Thanks.
> - Tim
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