On Aug 18, 2009, at 2:22 AM, Dies Koper wrote:
> Hi Ken S.,
> I have a fix for issue #9147 and would like to port it to V3.
> But I'm not sure whether this code will still be used in V3 (I'm not
> sure how monitoring changes in V3 impacts existing code).
Hi Dies,
Thanks for finding the V2 issue. The underlying monitoring framework
has been completely overhauled in V3. We haven't yet reworked the ejb
container to use it.
> I'd be changing the order of stats unregister processing in
> MonitoringRegistryMediator's undeploy and changeLevel methods.
> I'll also add new messages accordingly.
> Is this still worth fixing in V3?
> Also, in V2.1 the following method unregisters the stats. Where is
> this
> class in V3 src?
> com
> .sun
> .enterprise
> .admin
> .monitor
> .registry.spi.MonitoringRegistrationHelper.unregisterTimerStats
> Thanks,
> Dies