Re: JPA in embedded GF?

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 01:34:31 -0700

do you call new EmbeddedFileSystem.Builder().setInstallRoot() by any
chance ?

that would mean you try to use the inplanted mode with embedded-all.
This is not supported, you need to use the embedded-shell for the
inplanted mode. I need to think to report the error more clearly of

On Aug 10, 2009, at 4:28 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:

> Jerome,
> I'm not sure mvn classpath is the cause of the 'Address already in
> use' problem - when I tried my test with the latest glassfish-
> embedded-all jar (glassfish-embedded-all-3.0-b58.jar), I got the
> same error:
> SEVERE: Shutting down v3 due to startup exception : Address already
> in use: 8080=com.sun.grizzly.http.SelectorThreadHandler_at_9d5793
> thanks,
> -marina
> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> On Aug 6, 2009, at 1:40 AM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>> Jerome,
>>> What are my choices for using embedded EJB with JPA?
>> all of them.
>>> The user needs to setup a datasource, and it can be done either
>>> a) pointing to an existing GF install (#3 in your list - why is
>>> it called "inplanted"), or
>>> b) specify the resource details by some other means that GF
>>> embedded EJB needs to process and create that datasource on the
>>> fly.
>>> We agreed to support option a) - right?
>> right
>>> If yes, how would all the jars from an existing installation be
>>> added to classpath?
>> all jars in the modules directory are automatically added to the
>> classpath in the inplanted mode, we might need to add the lib/
>> *.jar and domain/lib/*jar which are not added right now.
>>> (It would be also impractical to install an uber-jar in addition
>>> to the GF installation). So I tried the glassfish-embedded-
>>> shell.jar, but it wasn't working. And this is why I created my
>>> own list of jars. Do we expect glassfish-embedded-shell.jar to be
>>> the solution for #3?
>> yes you just use the embedded-shell.jar in your classpath and point
>> to an existing installation. It did not work in your attempt
>> because you also add the entire ejb-container jars in your
>> classpath.
>>> If not, what would it be?
>>> That all said, the current problem is the __ds_jdbc_ra location
>>> is somehow wrong and because of that the datasource lookup and
>>> JPA aren't working.
>> what is the right location ?
>> jerome
>>> Hope it makes sense.
>>> Regards,
>>> -marina
>>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>> If you want to see the maven classpath when invoking the test,
>>>> just do mvn -X test and check the display.
>>>> I don't think this is a practical proposal to try the ejb
>>>> embedded container with 15 jars files on the command line
>>>> classpath. Why don't you use the single uber jar that Siraj is
>>>> publishing for such a use- case. That way there is only one jar
>>>> to put on the classpath. Have you tried that ?
>>>> There are very different packaging solutions for embedded :
>>>> 1. maven : we just use transitive package resolution to get
>>>> the full list
>>>> 2. uber-jar : we repackage all jars inside a big fat jar for
>>>> one simple yet not flexible solution
>>>> 3. inplanted : we use an existing glassfish installation.
>>>> I don't think we should promote the three solutions for all use-
>>>> cases. Depending on what the user wants to do, he should pick
>>>> up the most practical one. Of course all 3 solutions use the
>>>> same embedded APIs.
>>>> jerome
>>>> On Aug 5, 2009, at 4:42 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jerome,
>>>>> Maven resolves transitive dependencies and I didn't try to
>>>>> check what does it end up with, but my latest attempt to test
>>>>> embedded EJB is with 'java -cp'. I attached here the script
>>>>> that so far allows to get a reply from helloWorld bean (with
>>>>> exception - see more on it below), but when trying to use EJB
>>>>> with JPA, it fails with /export/
>>>>> v3/gfs/glassfishv3/ lib/ install/applications/__ds_jdbc_ra (see
>>>>> no 'glassfish' after 'glassfishv3').
>>>>> Now about exceptions: I do still see them with 'java -cp'
>>>>> calls, but:
>>>>> a) I either get ClassNotFoundException:
>>>>> org.glassfish.flashlight.provider.ProbeProviderFactory if
>>>>> flashlight- framework.jar is not in the classpath,
>>>>> or
>>>>> b) I get tons of IllegalStateException's ("Provider already
>>>>> mapped" and "is not an interface") if it is there.
>>>>> I also get
>>>>> c) several No such file or directory
>>>>> at
>>>>> Method)
>>>>> at
>>>>> at
>>>>> com
>>>>> .sun
>>>>> .enterprise
>>>>> .security.common.Util.writeConfigFileToTempDir( 136)
>>>>> But the last one doesn't seem to stop the bean access.
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> -marina
>>>>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>>>> I just added an embedded ejb test in tests/embedded/ejb
>>>>>> directory. It's using the ejb embedded APIs to test a sample
>>>>>> ejb bundle. This should give you some ideas how you can set
>>>>>> up your environment to test EJBs with EJB embedded APIs.
>>>>>> the test passes even without a single exception !
>>>>>> jerome
>>>>>> On Aug 5, 2009, at 11:51 AM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>>>> Siraj Ghaffar wrote:
>>>>>>>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Jerome,
>>>>>>>>> I tried to add a main method to my UnitTest and start it
>>>>>>>>> via java command (using GF_HOME as the pointer to the
>>>>>>>>> gf installation), but it failed with the same error as
>>>>>>>>> the maven test ("Address already in use").
>>>>>>>>> I put the glassfish-embedded-shell.jar from extras/
>>>>>>>>> embedded- shell and gf-client.jar into the classpath. Is
>>>>>>>>> the former the "embedded- shell.jar? -
>>>>>>>> yes, it is.
>>>>>>> OK. I looked at its manifest and this is what it has:
>>>>>>> Class-Path: hk2-0.3.81.jar hk2-core-0.3.81.jar
>>>>>>> config-0.3.81.jar auto-
>>>>>>> depends-0.3.81.jar tiger-types-osgi-0.3.81.jar bean-
>>>>>>> validator-3.0- JBo
>>>>>>> ss-4.0.0.Beta1-b01.jar glassfish-api-3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>>>>>> grizzly- utils-1
>>>>>>> .9.17-RC2.jar management-api-3.0.0-b004.jar glassfish-3.0-
>>>>>>> SNAPSHOT.jar
>>>>>>> Do you expect glassfish-embedded-shell.jar to be in the gf
>>>>>>> modules directory to be able to use those referenced jars?
>>>>>>> Is there a version of it that refers to the jars without
>>>>>>> versions in their names?
>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>> -marina
>>>>>>>>> I didn't find the exact name anywhere). The latter I used
>>>>>>>>> because the list of jars that I needed to add explicitly
>>>>>>>>> was becoming too long.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> -marina
>>>>>>>>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I looked at the second issue you reported and I know
>>>>>>>>>> what's going on.
>>>>>>>>>> The issue is that maven is invoking the test with a bunch
>>>>>>>>>> of glassfish jars in the classpath (all test
>>>>>>>>>> dependencies of the ejb-container project). It's the
>>>>>>>>>> normal way maven works. Now when invoking inplanted
>>>>>>>>>> mode, it does not work well because a lot of jars are
>>>>>>>>>> duplicated between 2 class loaders, one set up by maven
>>>>>>>>>> (will all the dependencies I mention above), one set up
>>>>>>>>>> by the inplanted mode. Note that in normal embedded mode
>>>>>>>>>> with maven, we only use the maven classloader, so its
>>>>>>>>>> works fine.
>>>>>>>>>> This duplication of glassfish jars between these two
>>>>>>>>>> classloaders does not really create a class loading
>>>>>>>>>> problem since through delegation we happen to load most
>>>>>>>>>> classes from the maven classloader. However, in terms
>>>>>>>>>> of habitat metadata (inhabitants file) it's two
>>>>>>>>>> different sets of resources so we end up finding most
>>>>>>>>>> resources in double and therefore we have 2 grizzly
>>>>>>>>>> services started which creates this port busy issue.
>>>>>>>>>> There is not much I can do to support such a case, we can
>>>>>>>>>> support what I think you were trying to test but not
>>>>>>>>>> using any glassfish project themselves (ie not using
>>>>>>>>>> the ejb- container project). What you need to do is to
>>>>>>>>>> set up a new project (a normal ejb jar project, where
>>>>>>>>>> you would just build a ejb application and deploy it
>>>>>>>>>> using the ejb- api that would use an existing glassfish
>>>>>>>>>> installation. The dependencies of such a project should
>>>>>>>>>> just be embedded- shell.jar and ejb- api.jar, nothing
>>>>>>>>>> else. I believe this is what our users will want to do
>>>>>>>>>> anyhow.
>>>>>>>>>> you should keep the ejb-container tests to tests normal
>>>>>>>>>> embedded mode basic functionalities and probably set up
>>>>>>>>>> new projects that would be closer to what users will
>>>>>>>>>> want to do when using the embedded ejb container APIs.
>>>>>>>>>> Let me know if you have more questions.
>>>>>>>>>> jerome
>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 27, 2009, at 5:00 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have fixed both issues, I still see a flashlight
>>>>>>>>>>>> related issue that I will look at tomorrow but it
>>>>>>>>>>>> seems to be functional now.
>>>>>>>>>>> Only the 1st one. The 2nd (opening ports and failing for
>>>>>>>>>>> an already opened port) could be caused caused by
>>>>>>>>>>> using the pre- existing domain.xml. There is no such
>>>>>>>>>>> error if I don't set the pointer(s).
>>>>>>>>>>> I've checked in my changes to the UnitTest, so that you
>>>>>>>>>>> can see exactly what I'm doing. To test existing
>>>>>>>>>>> domain.xml, set env variable S1AS_HOME to the existing
>>>>>>>>>>> GF installation (like for QL in V2).
>>>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> -marina
>>>>>>>>>>>> Earlier today, I also should have added support for JPA
>>>>>>>>>>>> but I don't have anything to test with. could you or
>>>>>>>>>>>> mitesh try it out and add a test.
>>>>>>>>>>>> to turn on the jpa container just do
>>>>>>>>>>>> server.addContainer(ContainerBuillder.Type.jpa);
>>>>>>>>>>>> jerome
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 27, 2009, at 12:05 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jerome,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I still see both problems. Did you have a chance to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> look at them?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -marina
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 22, 2009, at 6:21 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now that you added another test case, I see that I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to call separately setInstallRoot() for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GF installation and setConfigurationFile()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for domain.xml ;)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But(!)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. The default setup (e.g. EmbeddedTest or UnitTest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without my temp changes) fail with NPE in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> binding and lookup caused by:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Orb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> initialization erorr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .glassfish
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .enterprise
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .iiop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .api
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .GlassFishORBHelper.getORB(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 128)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .enterprise
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .naming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .impl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .SerialContext
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .getRemoteProvider( 294)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .enterprise
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .naming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .impl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .SerialContext.getProvider( 269)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... 28 more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .glassfish
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .enterprise
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .iiop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .api
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .GlassFishORBHelper.getORB(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... 30 more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have no idea what's going on, I will need Ken Saks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to look at it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. If I try to set install root and config file,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ports are beeing open and the server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't even get to deployment:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INFO: GlassFish v3 startup time :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Embedded(2728ms) startup services(3792ms)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> total(6520ms)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jul 22, 2009 6:08:29 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.AppServerStartup run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEVERE: Shutting down v3 due to startup
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exception : Address already in use:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8080=com.sun.grizzly.http.SelectorThreadHandler_at_1609c13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jul 22, 2009 6:08:29 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.glassfish.admin.mbeanserver.JMXStartupService
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shutdown
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INFO: ConnectorStartupService: shutting down AMX and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JMX
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jul 22, 2009 6:08:29 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .glassfish.admin.mbeanserver.JMXStartupService
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $JMXConnectorsStarterThread shutdown
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INFO: Stopped JMXConnectorServer:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service:jmx:rmi:/// jndi/ rmi:// uphill:8686/jmxrmi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jul 22, 2009 6:08:29 PM AppServerStartup run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Note that there is no other gf instance running at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have an idea of what might be going on here... did
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you instantiate any embedded Port here ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm doing this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Server.Builder builder = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Server.Builder("GFEJBContainerProviderImpl");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... creating Files for gf install and domain.xml...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EmbeddedFileSystem.Builder efsb = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EmbeddedFileSystem.Builder();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> efsb.setInstallRoot(installed_root);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> efsb.setConfigurationFile(domain_file);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> builder.setEmbeddedFileSystem(;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server =;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -marina
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -marina
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look in the tests/embedded/inplanted, there are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> examples of using the embedded file system.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jerome
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 21, 2009, at 3:25 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What should setEmbeddedFileSystem() be set to?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using my GF installation (/export/v3/gfs/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> glassfishv3/ glassfish) causes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /export/v3/gfs/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> glassfishv3/ lib/ install/applications/__ds_jdbc_ra
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (see missing "glassfish" after "glassfishv3").
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are also strange NameNotFoundExceptions
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like "__SYSTEM" but this can be a side
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effect of the original problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -marina
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 21, 2009, at 8:41 AM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 20, 2009, at 10:01 AM, Marina Vatkina
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 17, 2009, at 7:18 PM, Marina Vatkina
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is it possible to use JPA with the latest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> embedded GF?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no yet, I have not tried
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If yes, how do I specify the details of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the jdbc resource to be used?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you would need to run asadmin commands,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the embedded way, through the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EmbeddedAdminContainer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is it possible to point to an existing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> domain.xml instead?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yes you can do that see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Server.ServerBuilder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setEmbeddedFileSystem()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Will it also load all apps registered in such
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> domain?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yes but that suppose you have a valid domains
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> directory (inplanted mode). why would you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want to do that ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I won't, I'm afraid of side-effects :(.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What the setEmbeddedFileSystem() should be set to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and what is the expected behavior?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -marina
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If not, are there any examples that I can look
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yes look at EmbeddedTest in distribution/web.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -marina
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>>>>> #!/bin/sh
>>>>> GF_HOME=/export/v3/gfs/glassfishv3/glassfish
>>>>> export GF_HOME
>>>>> java -cp "target/test-classes:$GF_HOME/modules/glassfish.jar:
>>>>> $GF_HOME/modules/hk2.jar:$GF_HOME/modules/glassfish-api.jar:
>>>>> $GF_HOME/ modules/ejb-container.jar:$GF_HOME/modules/
>>>>> javax.ejb.jar: $GF_HOME/ modules/common-util.jar:$GF_HOME/
>>>>> modules/internal- api.jar:$GF_HOME/ modules/config-api.jar:
>>>>> $GF_HOME/modules/grizzly- config.jar:$GF_HOME/ modules/grizzly-
>>>>> http.jar:$GF_HOME/modules/ grizzly-framework.jar: $GF_HOME/
>>>>> modules/container-common.jar: $GF_HOME/modules/connectors-
>>>>> internal-api.jar:$GF_HOME/modules/ security.jar:$GF_HOME/
>>>>> modules/ transaction-internal-api.jar: $GF_HOME/modules/dol.jar:
>>>>> $GF_HOME/ modules/glassfish-naming.jar: $GF_HOME/modules/orb-
>>>>> connector.jar: $GF_HOME/modules/ejb-internal- api.jar:$GF_HOME/
>>>>> modules/deployment- javaee-core.jar:$GF_HOME/ modules/deployment-
>>>>> common.jar:$GF_HOME/ modules/annotation- framework.jar:$GF_HOME/
>>>>> modules/monitoring- core.jar:$GF_HOME/ modules/stats77.jar:
>>>>> $GF_HOME/modules/flashlight- framework.xjar"
>>>>> org.glassfish.tests.ejb.UnitTest
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