Re: [Fwd: Re: QuickLook failing badly today, domain timeout] SOLUTION

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 16:11:43 -0700

I'm glad to see that the issue is resolved. Can you open an IT with
these findings?


Lloyd Chambers wrote:
> The problem with QuickLook turns out to be an authentication failure,
> which *asadmin does not report*, very confusing indeed.
> Furthermore, doing 'asadmin login --user admin' does not prompt for a
> password, which results in a failed login (that is not reported!).
> asadmin> login --user admin
> Command class: com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.optional.LoginCommand
> Deprecated syntax, instead use:
> asadmin --user admin login [options] ...
> params: {}
> operands: []
> login --host localhost --port 4848 --user admin --interactive=true
> --echo=false --terse=false
> Enter admin user name [default: admin]>
> URI: /__asadmin/version?Xhelp=true
> URL: com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.util.HttpConnectorAddress_at_451710be
> URL: http://localhost:4848/__asadmin/version?Xhelp=true
> params: {}
> operands: []
> version --host localhost --port 4848 --user anonymous
> --interactive=false --echo=false --terse=false
> URI: /__asadmin/version
> URL: com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.util.HttpConnectorAddress_at_707efa96
> URL: http://localhost:4848/__asadmin/version
> ------- RAW RESPONSE ---------
> Signature-Version: 1.0
> message: GlassFish v3 (build llc-private)
> use-main-children-attribute: false
> exit-code: SUCCESS
> ------- RAW RESPONSE ---------
> Admin login information for host [localhost] and port [4,848] is being
> overwritten with credentials provided. This is because the --savelogin
> option was used during create-domain command.
> Login information relevant to admin user name [anonymous]
> for host [localhost] and admin port [4,848] stored at
> [/Users/llc/.asadminpass] successfully.
> Make sure that this file remains protected.
> Information stored in this file will be used by
> asadmin commands to manage the associated domain.
> Command login executed successfully.