Re: [Fwd: Re: QuickLook failing badly today, domain timeout] SOLUTION

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 17:39:04 -0700

I suspect it's not prompting for a password because your domain is
set up for anonymous login, so any (or no) password works. If you
want authentication to fail in that case, talk to Kedar.

How exactly did you have it configured that caused the authentication

Lloyd Chambers wrote on 8/11/09 4:02 PM:
> The problem with QuickLook turns out to be an authentication failure,
> which *asadmin does not report*, very confusing indeed.
> Furthermore, doing 'asadmin login --user admin' does not prompt for a
> password, which results in a failed login (that is not reported!).
> asadmin> login --user admin
> Command class: com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.optional.LoginCommand
> Deprecated syntax, instead use:
> asadmin --user admin login [options] ...
> params: {}
> operands: []
> login --host localhost --port 4848 --user admin --interactive=true
> --echo=false --terse=false
> Enter admin user name [default: admin]>
> URI: /__asadmin/version?Xhelp=true
> URL: com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.util.HttpConnectorAddress_at_451710be
> URL: http://localhost:4848/__asadmin/version?Xhelp=true
> params: {}
> operands: []
> version --host localhost --port 4848 --user anonymous
> --interactive=false --echo=false --terse=false
> URI: /__asadmin/version
> URL: com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.util.HttpConnectorAddress_at_707efa96
> URL: http://localhost:4848/__asadmin/version
> ------- RAW RESPONSE ---------
> Signature-Version: 1.0
> message: GlassFish v3 (build llc-private)
> use-main-children-attribute: false
> exit-code: SUCCESS
> ------- RAW RESPONSE ---------
> Admin login information for host [localhost] and port [4,848] is being
> overwritten with credentials provided. This is because the --savelogin
> option was used during create-domain command.
> Login information relevant to admin user name [anonymous]
> for host [localhost] and admin port [4,848] stored at
> [/Users/llc/.asadminpass] successfully.
> Make sure that this file remains protected.
> Information stored in this file will be used by
> asadmin commands to manage the associated domain.
> Command login executed successfully.