Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 16:09:03 -0400, Vella Raman <Vella.Raman_at_Sun.COM> said:
> VR> Hi,
> VR> Since we are fast approaching Milestone 6 (8/24) and we do not have a
> VR> functioning upgrade service from v2 to v3 yet, this is to request v3
> VR> module owners to provide status (not started yet/in progress/done) on
> VR> where they are with their upgrade service work to
> VR> gfv3upgrade-team_at_sun.com by COB Wed, 8/12. I am going to track progress
> VR> of this going forward since it impacts the upgrade tool delivery.
> VR> Please see following dashboard for details ( or contact Bobby or
> VR> Rebecca - cc'ed here - for more info )
> VR> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=V3UpgradeDashboard
> VR> If there are technical questions/issues related to the upgrade service,
> VR> please continue sending them to the dev_at_glassfish.dev.java.net.
> When I hear "upgrade service" I think "a piece of software that upgrades
> an app that conforms to version N to be conformant to version N+1". Is
> that what this is?
That is correct. In this case V3 must support upgrade from V2 and V3-Prelude
server domains.
> If so, then the process for doing so with JSF can be
> as simple as updating the web.xml and updating or deleting your
> faces-config.xml to have the new version numbers, and deleting the
> facelets.jar, or as complex as having to migrate your JSP tag libraries
> to Facelet libraries.
Your description appears to be describing a deployed application into a domain.
Any application deployed into server version-N should be deployable and runnable
unaltered in server version-N+1.
What is meant by upgrade here is server config upgrade. For eacmple I have a running GF server
domain version-N with deployed applications in it. The upgrade process will transition
the server domain env from version-N to version-N+1. Typically this requires the
translating of information from the domain.xml file, redeploying the deployed applications,
and the like.
> Can you please tell me, on this list, what actions I might need to take
> for JSF 2.0?
> Thanks,
> Ed