Re: changed events are not called?

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 15:19:50 -0500

Marina Vatkina wrote:
> I don't know what is available in ACC, what not and why :(,
It's supposed to be relatively simple - the ACC does not have access to
the server's configuration. TransactionService is recorded in
domain.xml - that is, in the server's config - so the ACC will not know
about it and therefore it cannot be injected. The same is true for all
domain.xml-resident configuration information.

There's some logic in JavaEETransactionManagerSimplified - at least the
version in my workspace - which does not inject TransactionService but
asks the habitat to look it up explicitly (around line 200). The
comments imply that the logic is designed to work differently on the
server vs. the client. And my workspace copy of the class does not
inject TransactionService.

What would the JavaEETransactionManagerSimplified do - on the client -
with this config information?

- Tim

> but [1] is the stack trace from the failed injection in ACC.
> Is it possible to somehow identify a service for a specific injection
> type?
> thanks,
> -marina
> [1]:
> [exec] INFO: Cannot inject private
> com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.TransactionService
> com.sun.enterprise.transaction.JavaEETransactionManagerSimplified.txnService
> in
> componentcom.sun.enterprise.transaction.JavaEETransactionManagerSimplified_at_f
> [exec] org.jvnet.hk2.component.UnsatisfiedDepedencyException:
> Unsatisfied dependency exception : private
> com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.TransactionService
> com.sun.enterprise.transaction.JavaEETransactionManagerSimplified.txnService
> [exec] at
> org.jvnet.hk2.component.InjectionManager.inject(
> [exec] at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractWombImpl.inject(
> [exec] at
> com.sun.hk2.component.ConstructorWomb$
> [exec] at
> Method)
> [exec] at
> com.sun.hk2.component.ConstructorWomb.initialize(
> [exec] at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractWombImpl.get(
> [exec] at
> com.sun.hk2.component.SingletonInhabitant.get(
> [exec] at
> com.sun.hk2.component.LazyInhabitant.get(
> [exec] at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractInhabitantImpl.get(
> [exec] at
> org.jvnet.hk2.component.Habitat.getByContract(
> [exec] at
> com.sun.enterprise.transaction.TransactionInvocationHandler.init(
> [exec] at
> com.sun.enterprise.transaction.TransactionInvocationHandler.afterPreInvoke(
> [exec] at
> org.glassfish.api.invocation.InvocationManagerImpl.preInvoke(
> [exec] at
> org.glassfish.appclient.client.acc.AppClientContainer$ClientMainClassSetting.getClientMainClass(
> [exec] at
> org.glassfish.appclient.client.acc.AppClientContainer.getMainMethod(
> [exec] at
> org.glassfish.appclient.client.acc.AppClientContainer.completePreparation(
> [exec] at
> org.glassfish.appclient.client.acc.AppClientContainer.prepare(
> [exec] at
> org.glassfish.appclient.client.AppClientFacade.prepareACC(
> [exec] at
> org.glassfish.appclient.client.acc.agent.AppClientContainerAgent.premain(
> [exec] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
> Method)
> [exec] at
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
> [exec] at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
> [exec] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
> [exec] at
> sun.instrument.InstrumentationImpl.loadClassAndStartAgent(
> [exec] at
> sun.instrument.InstrumentationImpl.loadClassAndCallPremain(
> [exec] Caused by:
> org.jvnet.hk2.component.UnsatisfiedDepedencyException: Unsatisfied
> dependency exception : private
> com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.TransactionService
> com.sun.enterprise.transaction.JavaEETransactionManagerSimplified.txnService
> [exec] at
> org.jvnet.hk2.component.InjectionManager.inject(
> [exec] ... 24 more
> [exec] Result: 1
> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>> Jerome, Ken, Tim,
>> I know why TM is not getting events, but I don't know what to do
>> about it...
>> For transaction-service events to be sent, the TransactionService
>> field need to be *injected* into TM.
>> But(!) TransactionService can't be injected when executed in ACC (at
>> least this is what was happening back in April when I switched from
>> injection to habitat access):
>> [exec] INFO: Cannot inject private
>> com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.TransactionService com .sun
>> .enterprise
>> .transaction.JavaEETransactionManagerSimplified.txnService in
>> componentcom
>> .sun.enterprise.transaction.JavaEETransactionManagerSimplified_at_3a835d
>> Tim, Ken, did it change since then?
>> Are there any other options?
>> thanks,
>> -marina
>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>> JavaEETransactionManagerSimplified doesn't get any
>>> TransactionService events (all of them would be change).
>>> To reproduce - deploy any app to start the TM, enable 'jta' logger
>>> to FINE, then do e.g.
>>> asadmin set server.transaction-service.retry-timeout-in-seconds=50
>>> (I didn't try admingui).
>>> If the change() method is called, you get 'Got TransactionService
>>> change event ==== ' append with the event name, the old and the new
>>> value log message.
>>> thanks,
>>> -marina
>>> Anissa Lam wrote:
>>>> Yes, i have filed bug
>>>> Adding jvm option eg. will not trigger the
>>>> server-restart-required status. Changing value of existing jvm
>>>> option does and behaves correctly.
>>>> thanks
>>>> Anissa
>>>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>>> I don't remember changing anything but I will look at it. do you
>>>>> have a reproduceable case to speed things up.
>>>>> thx, jerome
>>>>> On Jul 24, 2009, at 5:03 PM, Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>>>> Anissa tells me she is not seeing restart required events.
>>>>>> So yes, I think something was broken somewhere.
>>>>>> Lloyd
>>>>>> On Jul 24, 2009, at 4:57 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>>>> Did something change recently? Tx manager does not get any
>>>>>>> notifications when the transaction-service element is changed.
>>>>>>> The value is correctly stored in the domain.xml.
>>>>>>> I call asadmin set after I see the message in the log that Tx
>>>>>>> manager had been initialized.
>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>> -marina
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