archive deploy to V3 over http api

From: Peter Williams <Pete.Williams_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 13:58:15 -0700

I'm working on remote (or just archive) deploy to V3 from NetBeans and
having trouble with the deploy command

I've been given the impression that the format is as follows -- is correct?

URL - no rules - I'm guessing at this point but I would have thought
something like
"http://$server:$port/__asadmin/deploy?name=$name&upload=true" would
have been sufficient. And since it's a POST request, perhaps even
upload is redundant.
Request type - POST
Content type - application/zip
Body - binary zip file containing the archive to be deployed (e.g war
file, ear file, etc).

I haven't been able to get this to work --

The CLI deploy command has a "upload" option documented, but including
this over the HTTP api causes an error.
The HTTP api is requiring a path parameter though what that could
possibly mean for remote deployment escapes me. If I refer to a valid
local (to the server) file, the server cheats but if I refer to an
invalid file, the command is failed.

Does anyone know if this works and/or what the requirements are?
