Re: pom.xml question

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 08:19:01 -0700

I have tried (1) and that did not work. I have also tried using ascii
characters &#36; and that did not work either.
Maybe (2) will work. You can also post this question in Maven user

Tim Quinn wrote:
> Hi, Anissa.
> I have tried neither of these myself, but they might be worth a try:
> 1. <property name="dollar" value="$"/>
> ...
> <Glassfish-require-repository>console-plugins=*${dollar}{com.sun.aas.installRoot}*/lib/console-plugins</Glassfish-require-repository>
> </manifestEntries>
> 2. Use $$com.sun.aas.installRoot
> Please let us know what solution you find!
> - Tim
> Anissa Lam wrote:
>> Hi ,
>> I need to add such a line to my MANIFEST.MF file,
>> Glassfish-require-repository:
>> console-plugins=*${com.sun.aas.installRoot}*/lib/console-plugins
>> How do i specify that in pom.xml so that it doesn't try to resolve
>> ${com.sun.aas.installRoot} ?
>> If i put this in pom.xml,
>> <manifestEntries>
>> <Glassfish-require-repository>console-plugins=*${com.sun.aas.installRoot}*/lib/console-plugins</Glassfish-require-repository>
>> </manifestEntries>
>> That line will end up as
>> Glassfish-require-repository: console-plugins=*null*/lib/console-plugins
>> I tried adding a backslash in front of $, like this:
>> <Glassfish-require-repository>console-plugins=*\${com.sun.aas.installRoot}*/lib/console-plugins</Glassfish-require-repository>
>> and it will result as
>> Glassfish-require-repository: console-plugins=*\null*/lib/console-plugins
>> Any pointer on what i should do ?
>> thanks
>> Anissa.
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