That is the Way It Is. :)
On Jul 9, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
> I think this was to make it simple in the single server case.
> What's the name of the single server you're using? "server"!
> Yes, if you're in a more complex environment with a DAS and
> separate server instances, it's weird that the name of the
> DAS is "server". I guess we figured that was already a more
> complicated situation and people who understand how to manage
> a domain like this would be able to figure out the naming.
> We were more worried about the person only ever using a single
> server and having to figure out what a "das" is.
> Kedar Mhaswade wrote on 7/9/09 4:09 PM:
>> Sorry to say, but we seem to be stuck with that name.
>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>> Just confusion today about what a server is and what it's named
>>> (questions came up about MBean names in particular).
>>> On Jul 9, 2009, at 3:46 PM, Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
>>>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>>> It would add clarity in V3 to rename the DAS to "das" instead of
>>>>> "server".
>>>>> Probably lots of downstream effects there, but people seem
>>>>> confused
>>>>> by the generic "server".
>>>> Any specific examples hinting at confusion?
>>>> I agree, we should have chosen a better name way back when.
>>>>> Lloyd
>>>>> Lloyd Chambers
>>>>> lloyd.chambers_at_sun.com <mailto:lloyd.chambers_at_sun.com>
>>>>> GlassFish Team
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>>> Lloyd Chambers
>>> lloyd.chambers_at_sun.com <mailto:lloyd.chambers_at_sun.com>
>>> GlassFish Team
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Lloyd Chambers
GlassFish Team