Re: JMX Access to the MQ Broker

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 18:04:32 -0500

OK. I wasn't aware of that. In case you can't tell, I'm drinking
from the fire hose here. :)

On Jul 9, 2009, at 6:01 PM, Kedar Mhaswade wrote:

> Jason,
> 7676 is the JMS portmapper port, has to nothing with the JMX access.
> Telnet way that Linda suggested is an alternate way to get to the
> admin access of the broker.
> You need 8686 to get to the naming service and that's shared AFAIK.
> Broker registers its stub in the rmi-registry we hand over to it.
> This is in the so-called "Embedded Broker" case.
> -Kedar
> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>> Jason,
>> Assume it's in process now, get it working. Write this method:
>> public MBeanServerConnection getIMQMBeanServerConnection() {
>> return ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
>> }
>> Later you can figure out how to fix the implementation of the above
>> to support remote -- the client code using the connection won't
>> change.
>> On Jul 9, 2009, at 3:48 PM, Jason Lee wrote:
>>> On Jul 9, 2009, at 5:12 PM, Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>> Jason,
>>>> I don't know the answer here.
>>>> Presumably domain.xml is going to have to have configuration for
>>>> what the JMXServiceURL should be.
>>> Based on what Linda said, it doesn't seem to. From a fresh
>>> installation, here are all the references to JMS or JMX:
>>> </iiop-service>
>>> <admin-service system-jmx-connector-name="system" type="das-
>>> and-server">
>>> <jmx-connector port="8686" address="" security-
>>> enabled="false" name="system" auth-realm-name="admin-realm" />
>>> <das-config dynamic-reload-enabled="true" autodeploy-dir="$
>>> {com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/autodeploy" autodeploy-enabled="true" />
>>> <property name="adminConsoleContextRoot" value="/admin" />
>>> <property name="adminConsoleDownloadLocation" value="$
>>> {com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/install/applications/admingui.war" />
>>> <property name="ipsRoot" value="$
>>> {com.sun.aas.installRoot}/.." />
>>> </admin-service>
>>> <jms-service default-jms-host="default_JMS_host"
>>> type="EMBEDDED">
>>> <jms-host host="localhost" name="default_JMS_host" />
>>> </jms-service>
>>> No mention of the 7676 that Linda said I should expect, if that
>>> means anything.
>>>> If it's in proces, you can use @Inject MBeanServer or
>>>> ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer().
>>> It could be in process, but I think we support out-of-process
>>> brokers as well, though I'd be happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.
>>> <> * Jason Lee *
>>> Senior Java Developer
>>> GlassFish Administration Console
>>> *Sun Microsystems, Inc.*
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>> Lloyd Chambers
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>> GlassFish Team
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         Jason Lee
Senior Java Developer
GlassFish Administration Console

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone x31197/+1 405-343-1964