Re: JMX Access to the MQ Broker

From: Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 15:57:26 -0700

In the "embedded broker" case (i.e. V2 default for
the developer profile), the naming service (which is RMI registry) is
shared. In v2, if you just started the domain and connected to host:8686
via Jconsole, you'll see a slew of JMS MBeans that are very useful.
The MBean domain is: com.sun.messaging.jms.server.

The same wouldn't yet show up on v3 either because you will need
MDBs/messages in your application or it's not yet activated.


Linda Schneider wrote:
> The instance is started with the server (unless you turn it off) ...
> I believe that it is "supposed" to share the glassfish directory
> in-process but I'm not 100% sure (and the author of that code no longer
> works at sun) ... if you get stuck let me know and I can dig.
> If you want to know what URI it is running on, telnet to the broker and
> it should tell you.
> e.g.
> telnet localhost 7676
> There are helper methods with the MQ JMX API that can be used to talk to
> the portmapper if you want to retrieve the host/port that way (or you
> can configure it to start unsing a specific URI)
> Jason Lee wrote:
>> I'm trying to finish up the port of the JMS support in the Admin
>> Console from v2 to v3. The only major functionality left is the
>> physical destination management, which is done via JMX directly
>> against the broker. Anyone familiar with how that code worked in v2
>> or how it should be in v3 have time to give me a nudge in the right
>> direction? For instance, if I can get a connection to the MBeanServer
>> for the broker, I can probably take it from there, but getting the
>> connection the v2 doesn't appear to be working anymore. Additionally,
>> is the MQ instance started with the server, or must it be started
>> manually?
>> Many thanks! :)
>> <> * Jason Lee *
>> Senior Java Developer
>> GlassFish Administration Console
>> *Sun Microsystems, Inc.*
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