Re: message-security-config discrepancies

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 07:39:24 -0700

Please see inline.

Kumar Jayanti wrote:
Anissa Lam wrote:

I have some questions regarding <message-security-config>

     sun-domain_1_3.dtd specifies

    <!ENTITY % message-layer "(SOAP | HttpServlet)">
     <!ELEMENT security-service
         (auth-realm+, jacc-provider+, audit-module*, message-security-config*,  property*)>
     <!ATTLIST message-security-config
            auth-layer %message-layer; #REQUIRED
            default-provider CDATA #IMPLIED
            default-client-provider CDATA #IMPLIED>

     Kumar mentioned user can create as many as they want.   
It maynot be as many as they want (i should have been more clear) but there have to be atleast 2 one for message-layer SOAP and another one for HttpServlet.
If the above dtd is honored,  although it may not make sense,   but  it is legal for user to create as many as they want.

     However,  in CLI,  there is no create-message-security-config  command.  (both v2 and v3)
The command in V2 is  :
Usage: create-message-security-provider [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true] [--host localhost] [--port 4848|4849] [--secure | -s] [--user admin_user] [--passwordfile file_name] [--target target(Default server)] --classname provider_class [--layer message_layer=SOAP] [--providertype provider_type] [--requestauthsource request_auth_source] [--requestauthrecipient request_auth_recipient] [--responseauthsource response_auth_source] [--responseauthrecipient response_auth_recipient] [--isdefaultprovider] [--property (name=value)[:name=value]*] provider_name

And you can see the message_layer argument there which is defaulted to SOAP.

create-message-security-provider is different than create-message-security-config.    Are you saying that if   message_layer argument is "httpServlet", then a  message-security-config will be created with httpServlet as the message_layer ?
And why is  the syntax of this parameter is so different than the rest ?  [--layer message_layer=SOAP]  ?  Does it imply different behavior ?


     In,   it is declared as Singleton:

     @org.glassfish.api.amx.AMXConfigInfo( amxInterfaceName="", singleton=true)
      public interface MessageSecurityConfig extends ConfigBeanProxy, Injectable

     So, how can we have a message-security-config with a message-layer of "HttpServlet" ?
I guess this needs to be corrected
    Is <message-security-config> a singleton ?



     If this is not singleton,  then AMX needs to make changes.
     Currently, it is  v3:pp=/domain/configs/config[server-config]/security-service,type=message-security-config  without any unique identifier.

    Should GUI support the creation of additional message-security-config ?   Can the security team let me know please ?


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