Does the Servlet spec require this behavior?

From: Vince Kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 05 Jun 2009 11:24:53 -0700


I created a web app that has a no descriptor files and a single JSP.

If the jsp is named index.jsp, I see the content when I access
http://localhost:8080/WarName/... this is a good thing

If the jsp is named foobar.jsp, I see a 404 error when I access the same
URL... Is the spec forcing us to be so useless?

I would think that the server could present a directory listing for the
web app... so the user would have a chance to click on foobar.jsp and
see its content. That would be friendlier for developers. It probably
should not work that way in production, though.

One other thing I noticed... There is no error in the server log that
would alert the developer to the root cause of the problem.

I did this test with v3 promoted build 49.
