Re: JANE: new BV version

From: Ed Burns <Ed.Burns_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 04 May 2009 13:18:44 -0400

>>>>> On Fri, 01 May 2009 17:41:45 -0400, Ed Burns <Ed.Burns_at_Sun.COM> said:

EB> <groupId>org.glassfish</groupId>
EB> <artifactId>bean-validator</artifactId>
EB> <version>3.0-JBoss-4.0.0.Beta1-b01</version>

Hello Jane, I verified today that these jars are there. As I mentioned
in my voicemail, please integrate this into glassfish as soon as
possible. We need it to make JSF 2.0 final.



P.S. If you have any trouble at all, please call me at x31640.