Re: Severe bug in v3 build: Build produces incomplete zip (no domain dir in final zip)

From: Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic <Snjezana.Sevo-Zenzerovic_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 11:15:42 -0700

FWIW, this should not happen since 'asadmin create-domain' command used
by build is using --noportcheck option - so even if ports are in use,
domain should in fact get created and developers should not be forced to
shutdown the running server while doing the build. This seems to be
asadmin regression.

I'll look into command status reporting to see what can be done there...

I'll add comment to the issue you filed.



Sahoo wrote:

> I just encountered a severe issue with v3 build. I had left a
> GlassFish instance running while starting a fresh build. The build
> finished successfully, but did not have domain1 dir in
> it. Scrolling the logs, I found the following message during nucleus
> distribution build:
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Building Glassfish v3 Nucleus Distribution
> [INFO] task-segment: [install]
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ...
> create-domain:
> [echo] Directory to run command from:
> /space/ss141213/WS/gf/
> [echo] Command to run:
> /space/ss141213/WS/gf/
> [exec] Port for domain1 (4848) is in use. Try a different port
> number.
> [exec] CLI130 Could not create domain, domain1
> [exec] Command create-domain failed.
> [exec] Result: 1
> Despite this error, the build continued. How bad?
> Looking at the build scripts, I see the following nucleus/build.xml:
> <target name="create-domain-on-unix" depends="init" if="unix">
> <ant antfile="../distributions.xml" target="create-domain">
> <property name="exec.dir"
> value="${basedir}/target/stage/${}/glassfish/bin"/>
> <property name="exec.executable"
> value="${basedir}/target/stage/${}/glassfish/bin/asadmin"/>
> </ant>
> </target>
> A quick look at the documentation of ant task [1] does not reveal any
> way to check the success status of the task. Any suggestion? I have
> just filed issue #8438 [2].
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> [1]
> [2]
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