Re: Sahoo: OSGi problems when upgrading BV to latest source tag

From: Bhakti Mehta <Bhakti.Mehta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 11:02:19 -0700

jaxb classes are part of jaxb-api-osgi.jar which will be available in
regarding the jaxp packages javax.xml.transform, org.xml.sax I think
they are already listed in
glassfishv3/glassfish/osgi/felix/ so I think those get
so I doubt this is the cause of your error.

Can you start AS from glassfish/modules using java -jar glassfish.jar
and see if you do get any constraint violation errors and some bundle
If you have that information you can do telnet localhost port 6666 to
see what those bundles by doing ps and looking for the bundle id


Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:46:19 -0400, Ed Burns <> said:
> EB> Sahoo, can you please help? At the very least, can you tell me how I
> EB> can better debug this? I suspect it's that some of the things now
> EB> needed by bean-validator.jar are not OSGi modules. Can you confirm my
> EB> suspicion?
> Here is some evidence to support my suspicion. The Import-Package:
> entry in the MANIFEST.MF for the new bean-validator.jar declares some
> packages for which none of the jar files in the modules directory have
> classes. These are:
> javax.xml.bind (not satisfied),
> javax.xml.bind.annotation (not satisfied),
> javax.xml.transform (not satisfied),
> (not satisfied),
> javax.xml.validation (not satisfied),
> org.xml.sax (not satisfied)
> All of these are in the Java SE 6 platform, so I don't know if that's
> the reason for my trouble.
> Ed
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