QuickLook and

From: Lloyd Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 09:01:50 -0700

I'm confused by the recent change in; QuickLook won't run.

I unzip inside directory /v3. That now produces the
directory 'glassfishv3' (/v3/glassfishv3) containing:

bin glassfish javadb jersey mq

When I run quicklook, I use -Dglassfish.home=/v3/glassfishv3

But then Quicklook fails, it cannot find the modules directory, which
is now one level down inside 'glassfish':

/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/amx/build.xml:51: The following error
occurred while executing this line:
/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/gfproject/build-impl.xml:106: /v3/
glassfishv3/modules not found.

If I set -Dglassfish.home=/v3/glassfishv3/glassfish, then QuickLook
can't find the 'bin' directory! :

/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/gfproject/db-targets.xml:53: Execute
failed: Cannot run program "/v3/glassfishv3/
glassfish/bin/asadmin": error=13, Permission denied

The directions haven't changed, and are now incorrect (the directory
from unzipping is "glassfishv3", not "glassfish"), but the directions
say it *must* be "glassfish".


I. Running QuickLook tests:

The QuickLook (QL) implements three profiles (web profile, dev_debug
profile and glassfish profile) to run QL in 3 different scenarios:
testing v3 web distribution, testing v3 web distribution in debug
mode, testing v3 glassfish distribution.

First, install/unzip the glassfish bundle to a directory. As of Sept
17 2008, this directory must be named "glassfish" eg /tests/glassfish
Let's call the full path to glassfish directory as {V3 Installation
Dir}. Please do not install glassfish under v3/tests/quicklook since
the "clean" target of QL will clean up all war files under quicklook
directory. Change directory to v3/tests/quicklook. All italic text
below indicate a command.

1. To Run QL in Glassfish Profile:

The v3 glassfish distribution includes extra modules such as EJB, jts
and corba other than the modules in web distribution. The glassfish
profile is the default profile of QL. It runs QL against v3 Glassfish
For glassfish bundle of V3, {V3 Installation Dir} is equivelent to /
test/glassfish in the example above.
mvn -Dglassfish.home={V3 Installation Dir} test | tee run.log