Re: Engine sniffer lists for various deployed apps

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 12:25:42 -0400

Hi, Nitya

> I deployed a ear application containing one web module to the v3
> server. The list-applications command shows this deployed app as
> 'testApp1 <web>'.
> For a webapp containing enb, the sniffer list returned was <ejb, web>.
> Shouldn't this be <web,ejb> ?
> The NetBeans plugin code calls list-applications and uses the response
> to list the deployed components in a tree.
> The engine list is used to identify the type of app. The expectation
> is that the engine sniffer list will be returned and the first engine
> would be the type of app. The 'nb-engine field' returned was to help
> the plugin identify the type of app.
> In a conversation with Jerome & Ludo, it was brought up that the
> deployed applications will not be identified as ear, war etc instead
> the tools should show the engines associated with each deployed app.
> But for a NetBeans developer, it makes more sense if when they a
> deploy an ear application or a web app, the deployed list in the
> runtime tree clearly identifies the ear, web apps with appropriate icons.

I kind of agree with you on this one. While in v3, we have the concept
of converaged application where the application could contain more than
one components, it still might be easier (and more compatible looking as
previous releases) if we categorize the applications by their packaging
types instead of the component types inside them. So ejb in war case
will be categorized as war and ear case as an ear..

- Hong

> I don't think they should have to identify it using the name of the app.
> Thanks
> Nitya
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