Re: why are SLSB and Entity bean instances not released from pool during server stop?

From: Kenneth Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 2009 08:37:04 -0400

On Apr 8, 2009, at 10:44 PM, Dies Koper wrote:

> Hi Mitesh,
> I have a question about the instance pool for Stateless and Entity
> beans.
> When stopping the server, instances in the pool are not cleaned up,
> ejbRemove, unsetEntityContext callback methods are not called and
> PreDestroy intercepter methods are not called. They are when
> undeploying
> an application.
> Why are these callback methods not called when a server is stopped?
> In the source:
> com/sun/ejb/containers/
> com/sun/ejb/containers/
> onShutdown() and onTermination() methods are not implemented, while
> they
> are for MDBs and SFSBs.
> The EJB spec seems to indicate these methods should be called to bring
> back the instances to their "does not exist" status, but is it because
> we are stopping the VM anyway?

Hi Dies,

This was a longstanding bug in V2 and earlier. In V3 the bean instances
for each container type are explicitly removed during both server
and undeploy.


> Thanks,
> Dies
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