Re: GF V3 (GlassFish profile) QuickLook tests fail on Windows

From: Ming Zhang <Ming.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 08 Apr 2009 14:19:03 -0700

Thanks Dies and Kumer for bringing up the issues on Windows. I have
checked in the fixes for redeployment and starting v3. Have lowered the
max waiting time for starting domain to 30s so that QL will alarm when
the starting time gets longer than usual.


Kumar Jayanti wrote:
> I am running into the same issue on Vista, i just worked around for
> now by adding --force=true. I am also facing another issue which is
> that the QL run does not wait enough for the server to start, and so
> deployment fails stating remote server does not listen at 4848.
> So i added another workaround in v3-targets.xml :
> <target name="deploy-v3-impl-windows" if="isWindows">
> <waitfor maxwait="2" maxwaitunit="minute" checkevery="500">
> <http url="http://localhost:4848/"/>
> </waitfor>
> ...
> Dies Koper wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When I run the QL tests on GF V3, they fail with the following error:
>> ------------------------
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> [exec] remote failure: Error during deployment : Application
>> singleton already registered, please use deploy --force=true to redeploy
>> : java.lang.Exception: Application singleton already registered, please
>> use deploy --force=true to redeploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO] An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error occurred
>> while executing this line:
>> C:\dies\src\GFv3\v3\tests\quicklook\build.xml:69: The following error
>> occurred while executing this line:
>> C:\dies\src\GFv3\v3\tests\quicklook\build.xml:122: The following error
>> occurred while executing this line:
>> C:\dies\src\GFv3\v3\tests\quicklook\ejb\singleton\build.xml:59: The
>> following error occurred while executing this line:
>> C:\dies\src\GFv3\v3\tests\quicklook\gfproject\v3-targets.xml:175: The
>> following error occurred while executing this line:
>> C:\dies\src\GFv3\v3\tests\quicklook\gfproject\v3-targets.xml:180: exec
>> returned: 1
>> ------------------------
>> I noticed two fishy-looking things:
>> 1. In tests\quicklook\ejb\singleton\build.xml two targets do a deploy
>> followed by a redeploy. Why?
>> <target name="all" depends="build,deploy,redeploy,runtest,undeploy"
>> />
>> <target name="build-deploy" depends="build,deploy,redeploy" />
>> with:
>> <target name="redeploy">
>> <antcall target="deploy-${deploy.platform}-impl">
>> <param name="redeploy" value="--force=true"/>
>> </antcall>
>> </target>
>> 2. In tests\quicklook\gfproject\v3-targets.xml, only the unix target
>> looks at the 'redeploy' attribute, so on Windows you get a 'normal'
>> deploy.
>> And why does only the Windows target have "--upload=false"?
>> <target name="deploy-v3-impl-windows" if="isWindows">
>> <exec executable="cmd" failonerror="true">
>> <arg value="/c"/>
>> <arg value="${glassfish.home}\bin\asadmin.bat"/>
>> <arg value="deploy"/>
>> <arg value="--path"/>
>> <arg value="--upload=false"/>
>> <arg line="${dist.dir}/${app.file.ext}"/>
>> </exec>
>> </target>
>> <target name="deploy-v3-impl-unix" if="isUnix">
>> <exec executable="${glassfish.home}/bin/asadmin" failonerror="false">
>> <arg value="deploy"/>
>> <arg value="--path"/>
>> <arg value="${redeploy}"/>
>> <arg line="${dist.dir}/${app.file.ext}"/>
>> </exec>
>> </target>
>> Could someone have a quick look at this?
>> Thanks,
>> Dies
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