Re: FINE log messages in --verbose

From: Carla Mott <Carla.Mott_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 07 Apr 2009 23:25:05 -0700

Sorry I wasn't clear initially. I agree that setting all loggers to
FINEST would create way too many messages.

Peter Williams wrote:
> Carla Mott wrote:
>> The logger levels currently are defaulted to INFO as is the console
>> handler. Once you change the console handler to FINEST it will print
>> out any thing that is FINEST or less. since the loggers are set to
>> INFO it only receives INFO level messages by default and therefore
>> prints them. If you set a logger to level FINE then those messages
>> will get printed out. If you then reset that logger level back to
>> INFO then the behavior goes back printing only INFO level messages.
> Thanks. This is the part I was missing. I was under the mistaken
> impression all loggers would be set to FINEST by default by this change
> when --verbose was in use.
> Sounds like setting the console hander to FINEST is the right move.
> -Peter
>> I can set the default to FINE and if users want to see FINEST then
>> they can set that manually.
>> Peter Williams wrote:
>>> Is FINEST really a good default for --verbose? IIRC, enabling FINEST
>>> across all glassfish loggers simultaneously will produce an enormous
>>> amount of noise. Enabling "FINE" would seem to be a good
>>> compromise. The user can always change individual logger settings
>>> when more is needed for a particular system, right?
>>> Or maybe I misunderstood what you meant.
>>> -Peter
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