Re: FINE log messages in --verbose

From: Carla Mott <Carla.Mott_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 07 Apr 2009 17:45:52 -0700

The loggers and handlers each have their own level. The loggers control
the log records created but the handlers control what actually gets
printed out. So if your logger is creating messages at level FINE but
the handler's level is set to INFO you will not see those FINE messages.
If your logger's level is set to INFO it is only creating records for
INFO messages and even if your handler's level is set to FINE it never
gets messages other than INFO or less.

The logger levels currently are defaulted to INFO as is the console
handler. Once you change the console handler to FINEST it will print
out any thing that is FINEST or less. since the loggers are set to INFO
it only receives INFO level messages by default and therefore prints
them. If you set a logger to level FINE then those messages will get
printed out. If you then reset that logger level back to INFO then the
behavior goes back printing only INFO level messages.

I can set the default to FINE and if users want to see FINEST then they
can set that manually.

Peter Williams wrote:
> Is FINEST really a good default for --verbose? IIRC, enabling FINEST
> across all glassfish loggers simultaneously will produce an enormous
> amount of noise. Enabling "FINE" would seem to be a good compromise.
> The user can always change individual logger settings when more is
> needed for a particular system, right?
> Or maybe I misunderstood what you meant.
> -Peter
> Carla Mott wrote:
>> That's right. You may have to restart the server for this to take
>> affect. Also you will need to set the appropriate logger to the FINE
>> level too. At the point you don't want to see the messages you just
>> set the logger level to INFO again. Soon I will update
>> to set the console level to FINEST by default.
>> carla
>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>> It's a bug:
>>> but there
>>> is a work around (that I didn't try): in the file set
>>> java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level=FINE
>>> Regards,
>>> -marina
>>> Arun Gupta wrote:
>>>> "asadmin start-domain --verbose" does not show FINE+ log messages.
>>>> This is with b43 and might have been happening earlier as well.
>>>> Is that intentional ?
>>>> Can I override it ?
>>>> -Arun
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