Re: jar file checked into svn???

From: Ed Burns <Ed.Burns_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 07 Apr 2009 04:38:49 +0200

>>>>> On Tue, 24 Mar 2009 11:14:53 -0700, Ed Burns <Ed.Burns_at_Sun.COM> said:

>>>>> On Tue, 24 Mar 2009 20:53:49 +0530, Sahoo <> said:
S> Ed,
S> svn log says you have checked in the jar file. We normally don't like to
S> check in jar files in svn. Can you explain why you can't reference the
S> jar file from a maven repo?

EB> I'm going to fix that once we have verified that BV is working in the
EB> nightly. I'm aware these shouldn't be there and I will certainly fix
EB> it.

I've updated the mvn repo with a version of the jar that does not have
these dependencies, and have furthermore removed the jars from the svn
repo. The svn tag for the variant of the jar currently in the mvn repo

Here is the changelog for the commit and the tag.

Issue: Remove jars under version control. Remove unnecessary class
files in bean-validator.jar

D dependencies/binary
D dependencies/binary/lib
D dependencies/binary/lib/jmxri.jar
D dependencies/binary/lib/bean-validator-binary-dependencies.jar
D dependencies/binary/lib/jmxtools.jar
D dependencies/binary/pom.xml

- No need for these

M dependencies/pom.xml

- Remove binary from dependencies

M dependencies/slf4j-jdk14/checkout/pom.xml

- Fix artifactId, copy-paste oversight error.

M bundle/osgi/pom.xml

- Remove com.sun packages from Private-packages.

M bundle/bigjar/pom.xml

- Remove binary dependencies from unjar list.

For completeness the differences between the jar file before and after
this checkin are included here

--- before.txt 2009-04-07 00:44:26.000000000 +0200
+++ after.txt 2009-04-07 00:43:54.000000000 +0200
@@ -7,709 +7,7 @@
