I bet that we would end up with fewer false positives if we upgraded....
Vince Kraemer wrote:
> that there is a job that automatically checks our v3 code with
> FindBugs every day for high priority issues?
> *https://glassfish.dev.java.net/quality/v3/fb-developer-report.html >
> *Did you know that we have been keeping clean for quite some time?
> You can see the history of the file here:
> http://fisheye5.atlassian.com/browse/glassfish/www/quality/v3/fb-developer-report.html >
> So, should we 'double down' and start getting a report that includes
> High and Medium priority issues generated?
> You can go here to see a list of the bugs FindBugs finds here:
> http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/bugDescriptions.html >
> vbk
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