Congrats to Dies Koper

From: Paul Sterk <Paul.Sterk_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 14:20:37 -0800


I am very pleased to announce that Dies Koper has been granted the role
of Developer. Below is list of issues for which he submitted either a
patch or an explanation.

Dies has been using GlassFish v2 at Fujitsu for some time, and has
submitted a number of patches and bug reports. He has been a J2EE
container developer for six years, focusing on EJBs, Servlets and Web
Services. He has also used and filed bugs against Apache Tomcat and
Axis. He interested in all parts of the server including spec

Congrats Dies!

4057 DEFECT tjquinn deployment
6748 DEFECT mk111283 ejb_container
6776 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
6934 DEFECT bhaktimehta web_services
6978 DEFECT kchung web_container
6981 DEFECT jfarcand web_container
6983 ENHANCEMENT kchung web_container
6987 DEFECT mk111283 ejb_container
6988 DEFECT carlavmott logging
6989 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
6990 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
7000 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
7001 DEFECT carlavmott logging
7002 DEFECT dochez jca
7004 DEFECT sats jms
7052 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
7053 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
7059 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
7060 DEFECT hzhang_jn deployment
7061 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
7062 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
7070 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
7103 DEFECT dochez other
7137 DEFECT mvatkina jts
7141 DEFECT km admin
7155 DEFECT ksak ejb_containe
7157 ENHANC jr158900 jca

GlassFish Community Manager