Re: V3 distributions?

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 12:41:06 +0530


I think there is currently some duplication in code. In distributions
folder, we define the contents that need to go in web and glassfish
distribution. Then again in distributions-ips, we define the same
things. Can't we factor out the common things?


Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic wrote:
> I swear I mentioned this on dev alias at least twice before, but point
> taken - we should update "Adding Module" and "Distribution Assembly
> Process" wiki pages...
> In addition to web and glassfish distributions, we produce their IPS
> enabled counterparts, i.e. glassfish-ips and glassfish-web-ips and
> their content is controlled through packager and distributions-ips
> modules. So, if you are adding new dependencies to any of the POMs in
> distributions module, have in mind that similar change will have to be
> done in packager (and possibly distributions-ips, if whole new IPS
> package is being introduced) in order to see newly added content in
> IPS enabled distribution(s).
> In some cases, new dependency can be added to one of existing packager
> modules while in other cases it requires creation of whole new IPS
> package. Since this needs to be decided on case by case basis, please
> contact me as soon as you know you will be integrating new modules and
> you have some idea of the content and its dependencies.
> At the moment I am either actively working or at least aware of
> following required packager integrations:
> * connectors-inbound-runtime
> * CMP
> * ORB
> * MQ
> * Web Beans/Bean Validation
> If you are planning to integrate something else that is not on this
> list, please let me know...
> Thanks,
> Snjezana
> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>> I've learned it the hard way (no CMP jars in the latest promoted
>> build) that we have more distributions than web and glassfish :(
>> So that others don't get into the same problem while adding new
>> modules, I'm asking these questions on the dev alias...
>> 1. Do we have a document describing all distributions and rules of
>> adding modules to them?
>> 2. What distributions do we have? Had all of them been already
>> defined or adding and removing distributions (themselves, not their
>> contents) is a dynamic process?
>> 3. How would somebody know which distribution their module belong to?
>> 4. What is the process of adding a module to distribution(s)?
>> TIA,
>> -marina
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