Re: javadocs?

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 12:54:25 -0700

On 03/31/09 12:35 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
> How do I generate the javadocs for v3?
> I tried "mvn javadoc:javadoc" and it did a *ton* of work, generating
> lots of "site/apidocs" directories, but I couldn't tell which one was
> the one that combined the right pieces for the public javadocs, similar
> to
> (Maybe someone is already publishing these for v3 on a regular basis
> and I don't need to build them myself?)
> Also, there's lots of warnings generated. For example:
> /cache/tmp/v3/transaction/javax.transaction/src/main/java/javax/transa
> ction/ warning - Tag
> @link: referenc
> e not found: java.util.Map#put(Object, Object)
> [WARNING] javadoc: warning - Multiple sources of package comments
> found for pack
> age "javax.servlet.http"
> /cache/tmp/v3/web/javax.servlet/src/main/java/javax/servlet/AsyncConte
> warning - Tag @link: missing '#': "forward(String)"

Looks like your web/javax.servlet module is stale.
Once you've updated it, you should no longer see the above warning regarding


> /cache/tmp/v3/connectors/javax.resource/src/main/java/javax/resource/s
> pi/work/ warning: unmappable character
> for encodi
> ng ASCII
> [WARNING] * A resource adapter might use the
> <code>CallerPrincipalCallback</code
> > ???to
> /cache/tmp/v3/common/glassfish-api/src/main/java/org/glassfish/api/dep
> loyment/archive/ warning - @returns is an
> unknown tag.
> Does anyone care about these?
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