Re: glassfish on grizzly config

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 15:03:07 -0400

Justin Lee wrote:
> I sent this to another list earlier but haven't heard back yet so I
> thought I'd cast my net wider.
> Well, the great news is that I finally have glassfish booting up on top
> of the grizzly config changes. All the osgi and xml parsing issues seem
> to be resolved. So that's awesome. What's *not* so awesome, however,
> is that it appears that even though I see all three network listener
> configurations being processed and log output about listening to the
> different ports, if I hit 4848 or 8080 I always just get the one web
> app. Either the "it works!" page or a horribly broken login.jsf for the
> admin app. So it would appear that some wires are crossed somewhere and
> I'm not exactly sure where to look. I'm stepping through GrizzlyProxy
> and GrizzlyService this morning hoping to see something but that's a lot
> of code in there. Anyone have any suggestions to explore?

Take a look at the ContainerMapper under the same directory. Make sure
the mapped container is the one supposed to be retrieved, e.g. the
AdminAdapter for admin call, the CoyoteAdapter for Servlet/Jsp, The
GrizzlyStaticAdapter for statics resources. Also are you sure Grizzly is
properly configured (stupid question, just to make sure).


- jeanfrancois

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