--password option for create-domain/start-node-agent

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 19:40:34 -0700

Trying to create a domain as ...

>./bin/asadmin create-domain --interactive=false --user admin
--passwordfile $HOME/.asadminpass --portbase 5000 --profile cluster wines

And got the error as ...

Usage: create-domain [--user admin] [--adminport port_number]
[--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true] [--domaindir
domain_directory] [--profile profile_name] [--template domain_template]
  [--passwordfile filename ] [--instanceport port_number]
[--savemasterpassword=false] [--domainproperties
(name=value)[:name=value]*] [--portbase portbase] [--savelogin=false]
[--checkports=true] domain_name
CLI152 password is a required option.

--password is not listed as an option and yet the error message expects
it to be present.

Specifying --password says:

CLI193 Password option "password" is not allowed on the command line.
Please use --passwordfile option or asadmin login command.

Another one ...

~/demos/glassfish >./bin/asadmin start-node-agent --interactive=false
--syncinstances=true --passwordfile=/Users/arungupta/.asadminpass
CLI152 masterpassword is a required option.
CLI137 Command start-node-agent failed.

and --masterpassword is not a valid option.

Confusing ?


Application Platform, Sun Microsystems, Inc.