Re: moving tests from v2/appserv-test

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:05:23 -0700

Please do not check the devtests in v3. It's taking about 13min to
checkout v3 source. I know it's not a long time but if we don't keep
this in control, it may go to 30min or more just to check out v3.

Can we do this?
src <--- source to check-out and build
tests <--- includes devtests and other tests like Smoketests (btw:
Smoketests is currently in a CVS repository, we can move it here)
Create a profile in the module's pom.xml (e.g. web/pom.xml). The
profile checks-out the devtests in the module directory and execute the

AFAIK, WebBeans sources are not checked in to v3. There is
extras/webbeans/pom.xml that pulls the WebBeans source from JBoss
repository and then it builds the sources locally.

Sahoo wrote:
> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> On Mar 18, 2009, at 8:41 AM, Sahoo wrote:
>>> I really don't like to check out something that I don't use during
>>> my regular build. Putting them in v3/web/tests will force me to
>>> check out the tests. I don't think svn has a notion of modules as
>>> CVS. So, I suggest you put the web tests under v3/tests/web so that
>>> we have an option to create a top level src directory under v3 and
>>> move all the sources to v3/src.
>> instead of moving existing code, should we move all devtests under a
>> directory unrelated to v3 ?
> Let's move all tests that are not used during "mvn install" with the
> exception of QL.
>> v3 should eventually be renamed src and we could have devtests at the
>> same leve.
>> src (all sources we checkout and build)
>> devtests (devtests)
> I prefer having a tests directory parallel to src and devtests under
> tests.
>> other (sources we might build separately, like web-beans)
> I don't understand this. Are we going to checkin something like
> web-beans into our svn? Then, why not in src?
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
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