Re: moving tests from v2/appserv-test

From: Rajiv Mordani <>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 22:49:47 -0700

    I think we should move the tests to somewhere under v3/web. I don't
think it should be in a top level v3/tests. Infact I see things like
admin, deployment already have their tests along side their modules. We
should also put them as a module under v3/web. Also it should follow the
maven conventions, however I wouldn't split it up to be under web-core,
web-glue, at least not right away.

- Rajiv

Justin Lee wrote:
> The webtier team talked and decided we'd like to move our tests out of
> the v2 tree into some location in the v3 tree. It's confusing to have
> our tests so "far" from our code especially given that many would
> prefer to just check out the v3 tree. We'd originally thought to move
> our tests from v2/appserv-test/devtests/web to v3/web/tests but
> thought we'd get some guidance first. We noticed that in v3/tests
> tree there are not only the quicklook tests but a tree with amx tests
> as well. So there's at least *some* precedence for putting tests
> there. Our question, then, is: which is the preferred approach?
> The "Maven Way(tm)" is to have the tests in src/test in the module to
> which they apply and this was our original intent. But if there's a
> general trend/preference to put v3 tests under v3/tests then that's
> something we'd want to adhere to. Is there an official recommendation
> for this kind of thing? Is there already work being done along these
> lines that we should just wait for?
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