Re: Congrats to Dies Koper

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 16:50:14 -0700

Congratulations Dies! It's great to have had your past contributions,
you've certainly earned your developer role. :) As for understanding
GF... we're all learning all the time. ;)

Congratulations and Welcome!


Dies Koper wrote:
> Thank you very much Paul, Jan, and all others involved!
> So far I've been contributing mostly to the web container and ORB. In
> the future I also hope to contribute to other components.
> As I run into issues, I often wonder whether I'm just misunderstanding
> the way GF should run, or whether I've found a problem. I hope you
> will continue help me understand how GF works and why.
> Thanks!
> Dies
> Paul Sterk wrote:
>> All,
>> I am very pleased to announce that Dies Koper has been granted the
>> role of Developer. Below is list of issues for which he submitted
>> either a patch or an explanation.
>> Dies has been using GlassFish v2 at Fujitsu for some time, and has
>> submitted a number of patches and bug reports. He has been a J2EE
>> container developer for six years, focusing on EJBs, Servlets and Web
>> Services. He has also used and filed bugs against Apache Tomcat and
>> Axis. He interested in all parts of the server including spec
>> implementations.
>> Congrats Dies!
>> 4057 DEFECT tjquinn deployment
>> 6748 DEFECT mk111283 ejb_container
>> 6776 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
>> 6934 DEFECT bhaktimehta web_services
>> 6978 DEFECT kchung web_container
>> 6981 DEFECT jfarcand web_container
>> 6983 ENHANCEMENT kchung web_container
>> 6987 DEFECT mk111283 ejb_container
>> 6988 DEFECT carlavmott logging
>> 6989 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
>> 6990 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
>> 7000 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
>> 7001 DEFECT carlavmott logging
>> 7002 DEFECT dochez jca
>> 7004 DEFECT sats jms
>> 7052 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
>> 7053 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
>> 7059 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
>> 7060 DEFECT hzhang_jn deployment
>> 7061 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
>> 7062 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
>> 7070 DEFECT kcavanaugh orb
>> 7103 DEFECT dochez other
>> 7137 DEFECT mvatkina jts
>> 7141 DEFECT km admin
>> 7155 DEFECT ksak ejb_containe
>> 7157 ENHANC jr158900 jca
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