legal characters in File realm

From: Dies Koper <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 18:44:48 +1100


We are trying to determine what characters GlassFish supports for use as
in User IDs and passwords in File realm. The characters accepted when
using asadmin are different from when using the Admin console.
I have a few questions.

The Admin Console has the following comment:
  Name of a user to be granted access to this realm; name can be up to
255 characters, must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot

It is my understanding that "alphanumeric" does not include multibyte
(Japanese) characters. However, if I include other symbols ('+', etc.)
I get an error message while if I include Japanese characters
(multibyte), they are accepted.
Are multibyte characters supported here or not?

Using the asadmin change-admin-password command you cannot change a
password from or to something less than 8 characters. Using the Admin
Console (Security>Realms>admin-realm) you /can/ change the password to
something less than 8 characters (and therefore make it impossible to
change afterwards with the asadmin command).
Wouldn't it be better to have the limitation be enforced consistently
(or not at all)?
