Re: where did ORBManager go?

From: Dies Koper <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 13:30:30 +1100

Hi Ken,

Thanks for the quick reply!

I'll raise an issue with the details. I'll do the same for other issues
where I can't find the source code.
The fix for this issue is trivial, I can explain it in the issue report.

BTW, have you had a chance to look at my patch for issue 6776?

I can prepare a patch for a related issue so I'd like to hear if you
agree with the approach I've taken.


Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
> On Jan 15, 2009, at 5:59 PM, Dies Koper wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I noticed that in GF v2.x, even if you change the IIOP message fragment
>> size using the set subcommand
>> (server.iiop-service.orb.message-fragment-size), the fragment size that
>> is used during IIOP communication does not change from its default value.
>> I found that this is due to inconsistencies between property names in
>> ORBManager and ParserTable.
> ORBManager really should use
> (which moves to in GFv3) for all
> of its constants. This may be a case where it did not, or else used the
> wrong constant
> (I'm interested in the exact problem here).
>> It'd like to confirm whether the problem
>> remains in V3, and if it is, prepare a patch. But I cannot find the
>> ORBManager class.
>> What happened to this class
>> (appserv-core/com/sun/enterprise/util/ in GF V3? Where
>> did the code in its initORB method go?
> We have not yet ported the remote EJB invocation support to GFv3. Hence
> no ORBManager as of yet.
> This work will PROBABLY start soon, but things are a bit uncertain right
> now.
> Ken.

Dies KOPER <> (<-changed in July 2008)
Fujitsu Australia Software Technology (FAST) - ORC team
Tel. +61 2 9452 9061 (internal 7985-29061)