where did ORBManager go?

From: Dies Koper <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 12:59:10 +1100


I noticed that in GF v2.x, even if you change the IIOP message fragment
size using the set subcommand
(server.iiop-service.orb.message-fragment-size), the fragment size that
is used during IIOP communication does not change from its default value.

I found that this is due to inconsistencies between property names in
ORBManager and ParserTable. It'd like to confirm whether the problem
remains in V3, and if it is, prepare a patch. But I cannot find the
ORBManager class.

What happened to this class
(appserv-core/com/sun/enterprise/util/ in GF V3? Where
did the code in its initORB method go?
