Looks like it's random... it's passing on Kohsuke's Hudson but it's
failing on the last build on Terena's.
I could not reproduce it on Mac and Solaris with an old workspace using
JDK 1.5 and 1.6 and maven 2.0.9.
Lloyd, can you try just compiling ejb module and see if see the same
build failure.
I'm building on a clean workspace right now to see if I can reproduce it.
Marina Vatkina wrote:
> Is it also random? I saw this error on Friday, but it went away after
> rebuild and I've never saw it again.
> Regards,
> -marina
> Jane Young wrote:
>> Terena's hudson is also failing with the same error.
>> I'll look into this.
>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>> I've done a 'clean; svn up; mvn -U install'
>>> [INFO] [hk2:hk2-compile]
>>> [INFO] Compiling 188 source files to
>>> /Volumes/Speedy/v3/code/ejb/ejb-container/target/classes
>>> Note:
>>> /Volumes/Speedy/v3/code/ejb/ejb-container/src/main/java/com/sun/ejb/containers/EJBContextImpl.java
>>> uses or overrides a deprecated API.
>>> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>> /Volumes/Speedy/v3/code/ejb/ejb-container/src/main/java/com/sun/ejb/containers/StatefulSessionContainer.java:66:
>>> package com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor does not exist
>>> import com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.*;
>>> ^
>>> ..............................................
>>> Lloyd Chambers
>>> lloyd.chambers_at_sun.com <mailto:lloyd.chambers_at_sun.com>
>>> GlassFish team, LSARC member
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