RE: Reminder: Re: REVIEW REQUEST: Troubleshooting Guide

From: Wim Verreycken <>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 21:06:34 +0100

Hi gail,

Here's the short version already :

Page 1 : Enterprise Server -> Glassfish/Sun Java Enterprise Server
Page 10 : "Uniform Resource Locator (URL) -> URL will do fine, don't
pampetr/insult the reader

Page 16 : ...and functional "yet" :
Don't worry users about backwards compatibility.
+ there is limited EJB 3.1 Support ie. If EJB's Session Beans are packaged
within the war they will be operational in Prelude V3
(you can develop a session bean stateless or statefull, put it under a
package within the war, gf 3 Prelude will install them as EJB's

Page 17 : Please refer to chapter about visualVM here

Page 18 : + permgen size : this is a common error (when a OutOfMemoryError :
Perm Genspace is throuwn

Page 19 : could you explain briefly HOWTO log meesages to windows event log
Standard, this is NOT the case

Page 20 : See page 19 : howto use Windows Event log to log errors.
+ ps-ef can proof usefull
+ Task manager can be usefull to kill process on windows systems

Page 22 :
Most common use of visual VM
Detect memory leaks : refer to visualVM home page

Page 25 : If the specified port number is already taken ...
This is not correct. Gf V3 prelude will not attempt to take the next
available port.

Page 26 : Note also : an entry can be made in the systems hosts file,
pointing to the localhost. is not proxied.

Page 29 : ~/.asadminprefs : don't know about this in prelude
On windows : no command line security by default. This is imo a security
breach in v3 predlude

Page 30 : V3 prelude does not automatically choose next available port on

Page 31 : "After" is the default on V3 prelude, I think

Page 32 : netstat only reports the first instance (at least on windows)

Page 34 : or you can kill it, refer to page 20

Page 35 : Note that EJB Session Beans can be put in the war, just putting
the EJB and it's interpaces in a normal package under the web project/war

Page 37 : never used gf v3 with eclipse....
But netstat -ab can proof usefull here (shows pid)

Page 38 : instllation errors related to ant :
For V3 Prelude, one does not need to rubn ant -f setup.xml anymore

P49 : no an expert on this, but I think there's a possibility using java

In general :

2 Common errors are not discussed :
- unsafe or unchecked operations :
Is it possible this error occurs on deployment when one chooses not to
precompile JSP's???
In this case :
Most common cause : lack of use of generics
Refer to JSR 14

- java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : PermGen space :
increase perm gen space in server.xml

Hope this helps...

-----Original Message-----
From: Wim Verreycken []
Sent: maandag 24 november 2008 20:46
Subject: RE: Reminder: Re: REVIEW REQUEST: Troubleshooting Guide

Hi Gail, yes I reviewed it, I'll send comments tonight/tomorrow, sorry for
the delay.

Some questions remain open though, not an expert on all...
-----Original Message-----
From: Gail.Risdal_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Gail.Risdal_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: maandag 24 november 2008 19:08
Subject: Reminder: Re: REVIEW REQUEST: Troubleshooting Guide


Just a reminder that review comments are due close of business today PT.


Gail Risdal wrote:
> Hello,
> The GlassFish v3 Prelude Troubleshooting Guide is now available for
> review. Please review the document and provide feedback by close of
> business Monday Nov 24th PT (earlier would be even better). I know
> that's not much time, but that's the reality of the schedule.
> The document is available from the doc comments wiki:
> Please add your comments to the page or, given the short timeline, send
> them directly to me ( - whatever is easiest for you.
> A copyedit will be performed to address editorial and formatting issues
> (and there are some), so I'm less concerned about those than I am about
> the accuracy of the content. That's the important thing. Some of the
> content was carried forward from the GlassFish v2 Troubleshooting Guide,
> and some is new.
> Because the document covers so many areas and technologies, providing a
> list of mandatory reviewers is not feasible in this case. Please review
> the content for your specific area of expertise and ownership.
> Thanks in advance! Your input is important and greatly appreciated.
> Gail
> +++++
> GlassFish Documentation
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