Re: File name too long: MiscService_schema1.xsd.svn-base

From: Mitesh Meswani <Mitesh.Meswani_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 09:13:19 +0530

It is a known issues with svn and Windows. A work around is to use
absolute paths or GUI svn clients like Torotoise svn.
See for more details.


Paul Sterk wrote:
> All,
> I did the following today:
> svn checkout
> glassfish-svn
> Here is the result:
> svn: Can't open file
> 'glassfish-svn/v2/appserv-tests/sqetests/jbi/helloca/projects/CAClient/xml-resources/web-service-references/Misc/wsdl/localhost.localdomain_19909/TestApp-com.sun.httpsoapbc-1.0-2/
> .svn/text-base/MiscService_schema1.xsd.svn-base': File name too long
> Is this a known issue? I did this on Windows Vista using cygwin.