Re: Welcome Henrique Ordine

From: Henrique Ordine <>
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 20:22:15 -0200

Hi everyone,
just thought I`d say hi and please bare with me, I have no experience in
developing an application server. I do know the java language well and the
Reflection API, so that might help.

2008/10/24 Paul Sterk <>

> All,
> Please welcome Henrique Ordine to the GlassFish developer community. He has
> 8 years of of programming experience that includes Java, Java EE, web and
> database applications. He also has numerous Sun certifications. He is
> interested in working on the core AS. Tech leads, please reach out to
> Henrique to get him started.
> Regards,
> Paul
> GlassFish Community Manager

Henrique Ordine