Re: Strange Deployment Issues

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 13:34:54 -0500

Prelude, btw, works fine, so that seems to indicate a post prelude

On Oct 28, 2008, at 10:20 AM, Jason Lee wrote:

> I've run into some really strange deployment issues in testing my
> application restart change, a change I thought would be quick and
> easy. :P At any rate, here's the sequence of events and their
> outcome:
> Update working copy
> Clean build of server (with and without clearing ~/.m2)
> Extract distributions/web
> Start server
> Deploy test application (my Mojarra Scales demo, fwiw)
> Hit the app in the browser, which returns a 404. The log, however,
> shows this after the deployment:
> [#|2008-10-28T09:56:28.199-0500|INFO|glassfish|
> javax.enterprise.system.container.web|
> _ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|Loading application mojarra-
> scales-demo-1.1-SNAPSHOT at /mojarra-scales-demo|#]
> [#|2008-10-28T09:56:28.218-0500|INFO|glassfish|
> javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|
> Deployment of mojarra-scales-demo-1.1-SNAPSHOT done is 2544 ms|#]
> Redeploy the application. The server log shows this:
> [#|2008-10-28T09:57:12.938-0500|INFO|glassfish|null|
> _ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|classLoader = WebappClassLoader^M
> delegate: true^M
> repositories:^M
> WEB-INF/classes/^M
> ----------> Parent Classloader:^M
> org.glassfish.internal.api.DelegatingClassLoader_at_328b7fd3^M
> |#]
> [#|2008-10-28T09:57:12.939-0500|INFO|glassfish|null|
> _ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|
> SharedSecrets.getJavaNetAccess()$7_at_2a93980e|#]
> [#|2008-10-28T09:57:13.263-0500|INFO|glassfish|
> org.jvnet.hk2.osgiadapter|
> _ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Thread-3;
> [93];|Started bundle [93]|#]
> [#|2008-10-28T09:57:13.303-0500|INFO|glassfish|
> org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader|
> _ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|Unknown loader
> org.glassfish.internal.api.DelegatingClassLoader_at_328b7fd3 class
> org.glassfish.internal.api.DelegatingClassLoader|#]
> [#|2008-10-28T09:57:13.655-0500|INFO|glassfish|
> javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config|
> _ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Thread-3;/mojarra-scales-demo;|Initializing
> Mojarra (1.2_10-b01-FCS) for context '/mojarra-scales-demo'|#]
> [#|2008-10-28T09:57:14.773-0500|INFO|glassfish|
> javax.enterprise.system.container.web|
> _ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|Loading application mojarra-
> scales-demo-1.1-SNAPSHOT at /mojarra-scales-demo|#]
> [#|2008-10-28T09:57:14.777-0500|INFO|glassfish|
> javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|
> Deployment of mojarra-scales-demo-1.1-SNAPSHOT done is 1910 ms|#]
> Request the app again, which executes correctly
> Redeploy the application, which gets me this error:
> [#|2008-10-28T10:16:33.129-0500|INFO|glassfish|null|
> _ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|classLoader = WebappClassLoader
> delegate: true
> repositories:
> WEB-INF/classes/
> ----------> Parent Classloader:
> org.glassfish.internal.api.DelegatingClassLoader_at_53c81ca3
> |#]
> [#|2008-10-28T10:16:33.130-0500|INFO|glassfish|null|
> _ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|
> SharedSecrets.getJavaNetAccess()$7_at_42b6fdb2|#]
> [#|2008-10-28T10:16:33.479-0500|WARNING|glassfish|
> javax.enterprise.system.container.web|
> _ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|java.lang.Exception: WEB0113:
> Virtual server [server] already has a web module loaded at [/mojarra-
> scales-demo]; therefore web module [mojarra-scales-demo-1.1-
> SNAPSHOT] cannot be loaded at this context path on this virtual
> server.
> java.lang.Exception: WEB0113: Virtual server [server] already has a
> web module loaded at [/mojarra-scales-demo]; therefore web module
> [mojarra-scales-demo-1.1-SNAPSHOT] cannot be loaded at this context
> path on this virtual server.
> at
> com.sun.enterprise.web.WebContainer.loadWebModule(
> 1995)
> at
> com.sun.enterprise.web.WebContainer.loadWebModule(
> 1881)
> at com.sun.enterprise.web.WebApplication.start(
> 85)
> at
> com
> .sun
> .enterprise
> .v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.start(
> at
> com
> .sun
> .enterprise
> .v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.start(
> at
> com
> .sun
> .enterprise
> .v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.deploy(
> at
> org
> .glassfish.deployment.admin.DeployCommand.execute(
> 329)
> at com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunner
> $2.execute(
> at
> com
> .sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunner.doCommand(
> 312)
> at
> com
> .sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunner.doCommand(
> 119)
> at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.AdminAdapter.doCommand(
> 259)
> at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.AdminAdapter.service(
> 176)
> at
> com
> .sun.grizzly.tcp.http11.GrizzlyAdapter.service(
> 147)
> at
> com
> .sun
> .enterprise
> at
> com
> .sun
> .grizzly
> .http.DefaultProcessorTask.invokeAdapter(
> 633)
> at
> com
> .sun
> .grizzly
> .http.DefaultProcessorTask.doProcess(
> at
> com
> .sun
> .grizzly.http.DefaultProcessorTask.process(
> 827)
> at
> com
> .sun
> .grizzly
> .http.DefaultProtocolFilter.execute(
> at
> com
> .sun
> .enterprise
> .v3
> .services
> .impl
> .GlassfishProtocolChain
> .executeProtocolFilter(
> at
> com
> .sun.grizzly.DefaultProtocolChain.execute(
> 103)
> at
> com
> .sun.grizzly.DefaultProtocolChain.execute(
> 89)
> at
> com
> .sun.grizzly.http.HttpProtocolChain.execute(
> at
> com
> .sun
> .grizzly
> .ProtocolChainContextTask.doCall(
> at
> com
> .sun
> at
> com
> .sun.grizzly.util.WorkerThreadImpl.processTask(
> 325)
> at
> 184)
> |#]
> If I try to undeploy either mojarra-scales-demo or mojarra-scales-
> demo-1.1-SNAPSHOT, either name gives me "remote failure:
> Application ... not registered" (where ... is the name I provided).
> It seems that once I hit this position, my only choice is to bounce
> my server. Is anyone else seeing this behavior? Given the
> similarity in the error message, I'm wondering if it's related to
> the error I'm getting in my restart application Handler...
> Jason Lee
> Senior Java Developer
> GlassFish Administration Console
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> Phone x31197/+1 405-343-1964
> Email
> Blog
> Blog

         Jason Lee
Senior Java Developer
GlassFish Administration Console

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone x31197/+1 405-343-1964