Re: [GFv3] Important change related to use of OSGi in v3

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2008 22:55:57 +0530

Arun Gupta wrote:
> Sahoo,
>> 2. gf-jruby-connector is temporarily not being made part of any
>> distribution,
>> because I have no idea where its code lies. It needs to be rebuilt to
>> use
>> newer hk2.
> The code is in and there is a
> corresponding Hudson job at:
> http://hudson.sfbay/view/Scripting/job/glassfish-jruby/
> Is the newer version 0.3.8 ?
> I can make the change.
Please also use the latest glassfish-api version as mentioned in

After the new gf-web-connector is pushed to maven repo, please uncomment
the relevant sections in v3/distributions/web/pom.xml.

Thanks for making the necessary change.
> -Arun