Re: Repackaging of artifacts to add OSGi metadata

From: Lloyd Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 11:20:56 -0700


My message carried only a statement of fact, no need to read
expectations into it.

1. I know of no repository containing jmxremote_optional. I've

2. Module owners don't necessarily know anything about the original
artifact than you.

3. You are our expert on OSGi. What you're asking exactly isn't
clear to me.


On Jul 31, 2008, at 11:18 AM, Sahoo wrote:

> Llyod,
> Yes, I know I repackaged most of them including that one, because I
> did not have a choice at that time. I could not have waited for the
> original artifact developers to give us OSGi-ed artifacts.
> Are you expecting me to contact every such artifact supplier? On the
> contrary, I am expecting owner of every module that uses those
> artifacts to do the needful. This is for two reasons:
> 1. Module owner can investigate if there is any alternative artifact
> available that contains OSGi metadata. If so, they can use it.
> 2. Module owner should be more familiar with the original artifact
> supplier than me.
> It is up to module owners to do this or ignore. All I can say is
> packaging and build team wants us to not repackage as much as
> possible. Contact them for further details.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>> Sahoo,
>> I believe you repackaged jmxremote_optional.
>> Lloyd
>> ..............................................
>> Lloyd Chambers
>> GlassFish team, admin
>> On Jul 31, 2008, at 10:46 AM, Sahoo wrote:
>>> If you look at v3/distributions/external directory, you shall find
>>> we repackage around a dozen of jar files to add OSGi meta data.
>>> The artifacts fall into two categories, viz: artifacts originally
>>> developed by some other group in Sun and artifacts from some other
>>> open source projects. Of the current list of artifacts being
>>> repackaged, we shall definitely remove grizzly*, jaxb by HCF time.
>>> We will then be left with the following Sun produced artifacts:
>>> jasper-jsr199,
>>> jmxremote_optional,
>>> ldapbp,
>>> sysnet-registration.
>>> Can owner of every module that primarily require the
>>> aforementioned artifacts to contact the original artifact
>>> suppliers to get OSGied versions so that we don't have to
>>> repackage them in v3 workspace?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sahoo
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