Re: [v3] Workaround for accessing Admin Console for V3 Prelude promoted build 16

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 17:25:22 -0700


Anissa Lam wrote:

> For promoted build 16, there needs to be 2 OSGi bundles in
> glassfish/modules directory in order to run admin console. These 2
> bundles are not included in the for this build.
> Please follow the instructions i have in
> to access admin console.

I noticed the need for the workaround has already been filed as a bug
against the webcontainer, see

I tried to reproduce and just downloaded b15 and b16, and was able to bring up the login page by accessing


without having to use the workaroud.

I'm on Solaris/Mozilla.

Seems the problem is limited to Vista/IE, which is what you listed in the bug report.
