admin gui jsp impl

From: Bhakti Mehta <Bhakti.Mehta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 15:50:31 -0700

Jerome/Koshuke/Sahoo and others,
Not sure if you have already discussed this.
What are the reasons
1. admin gui is not built part of v3 workspace/
We ran into an issue today where Terena could not build and all I did
was create
this new job http://hudson.sfbay/job/admingui-prelude-m1a/1/console
which built admin gui and pushed to maven repo using
mirror-glassfish-repository and that helped but
we need to know the main cause. Also this creates a circular dependency
where v3 needs to be built before admin gui and admin gui needs to be
built before v3. I think Anissa and Ken removed some references but
still it showed today
that if admin gui makes changes to its dependencies it needs to be
pushed out before the web bundle is created?
Why is admin gui so different from others?

2. jspimpl is still snapshot? When all other external workspaces are
release based why are we still following snapshots for jspimpl?

Pls can you clarify. These will help reduce problems we encounter and
maybe we can find better solutions here