Re: pom.xml help?

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 17:09:34 -0700

Fowarding to the dev alias.

We need to decide how to resolve this issue.  Presently our version numbers cannot be compared correctly as we are using a numerical value in the "qualifier" section which is compared via a String comparison.  We should not do this.  We should either use "-<build>" or we should use the "version" part of this string to represent the version.  For documentation on how this should work:

In other words, we should change bundles like glassfish-api to be:

    10.0.0-7 or 10.0.0-15, etc.


    10.0.7 or 10.0.15


Anissa Lam wrote:

Should we bring this discussion to the dev alias so everyone can benefit ?  Is Admin Console the only one that depends on glassfish-api version ? 
As Sahoo said, 
glassfish API should use something like rev-08 or rev-008 instead of rev-8 to work around the lexicographic string comparison done by OSGi.
This should really be send to the dev alias,   and  the problem we are facing is ,  it  has been set to  10.0.0-rev7,   10.0.0-rev8,  and now at 10.0.0-rev9.    Is it possible to go back and fix that and by whom ?  otherwise,  if i understand it correctly,  this is like a time bomb waiting to explode sometime down the road. 


Sahoo wrote:
If you do want to rely on bundle-version instead of package-version, then glassfish API should use something like rev-08 or rev-008 instead of rev-8 to work around the lexicographic string comparison done by OSGi. How many zeros should appear after "rev" depends on how many revisions we expect during a release.

What if you just depend on [10.0.0, 11.0)? I understand that this means admingui will be resolved in an environment which has lower versions of glassfish-api, but is that really a problem for you?


Ken Paulsen wrote:

Sahoo, our requirement is to have asynchronous releases of the admin console.  This means we will have a version of the admin console that will work with any version of GlassFish AFTER a specific version #.  Say in Release v3.8 of GlassFish (hypothetical), that it depends on glassfish-api version "10.0.0-rev87" -- we will have multiple versions of the admin console that may be compatible with this.  For example:

   * In the first release of v3.0, we have a limited functionality admin console which is still compatible... it depends on glassfish-api version: 10.0.0-rev9

   * Later we release an admin console which adds new functionality and depends on features added to glassfish-api version 10.0.0-rev59

   * And after that for version v3.9.2 we create another version of the admin console which requires functionality in glassfish-api 10.0.0-rev124.

For those 3 different admin-console apps, the first 2 should work with v3.8 w/ gf-api rev87.  The first one fails!  The second one works as expected.  The 3rd one should fail.... but doesn't fail (untill and invalid api is attempted):

   10.0.0-rev9 > 10.0.0-rev87  (oops!)
   10.0.0-rev59 < 10.0.0-rev87 (good!)
   10.0.0-rev124 < 10.0.0-rev87 (oops!)

Since we're not doing numerical comparisons, we run into these problems.  How do you suggest we solve this?



Sahoo wrote:

Ken Paulsen wrote:

Sahoo wrote:

Anissa Lam wrote:
Hi ,

Ken Paulsen wrote:
Attached is my pom.xml.  Sorry for all the questions... I'm just going in circles trying to figure this out! :)  I really appreciate your help.
Thanks Ken for working over the weekend on trying to resolve all the build issues we are facing, and Sahoo for the help so far.

Also,  Ken has updated issue # 5293,  and without an answer to that, we will be facing another versioning problem again when glassfish-api version goes to 10.0.0-rev10,  which is coming up very soon since it is at rev9 already.
I can't see why this should admingui from working.
Because we depend on 10.0.0-rev8 or higher.  10.0.0-rev10 is LOWER.
You can always specify a different version constraint while generating the OSGi meta data.
Appreciate Sahoo for helping us with all the problem we are facing.   I hope that we can address this for the MS1 built,  our user hasn't been able to bring up admin console  for almost 3 weeks now. 
I made some changes last Monday. Why did it stop working 2 weeks before that?
Because the admin gui that got downloaded had been built against an earlier version of the GF api and until your changes we needed that specific earlier version.
Same here. If the plugin is generating too restrictive metadata, override it by specifying your own manifest headers. Please refer to OSGi R4 spec for the kind of metatada you need.
