Re: [Fwd: DRAFT: Upcoming GlassFish v3 M1 activities]

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 06:56:54 -0700

Any updates on the whether asadmin get/set are supported over the http
interface yet?

Last I knew, that was the biggest "missing piece" for the plugin.


Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
> The soft code freeze date for GFv3 M1 is Monday, July 14.
> Please try to limit checkins from now until 7/14 to work that
> is required for M1, or is very low risk. Note that M1 has a fairly
> limited scope: it is primarily targeted for the NetBeans plugin
> and the JRuby connector.
> On Monday, July 14 at 5 PM PDT, the GFv3 repository will be frozen
> for long enough to create an M1 branch, which will be tagged
> v3_prelude_m1. After July 14, any remaining M1 work must be
> integrated into the M1 branch. Work targeted for later delivery in
> V3 can then continue in the trunk.