I am using NetBeans 6.1, GlassFish V2 that connects to a Postgre 8.3
database and I am using EJB3 framework. The domain name is the default
domain1 and I did deploy an enterprise application with an app client inside
of it. When I try to run the web-start the following error message is
displayed "unable to load resource:
The connection pool is pinging fine.
I have checked the directory ../domain1/web-app-start and the
derbyclient.jar is not there. Considering that this application server is a
remote server is there any other configuration that is necessary to be made?
The main class of my app client is pretty simple (please see the gui file *
criarUsuario.java* attached and the EJB interface class file *
vps1Remote.java*). The app client is a JFrame with some screen fields using
an injection of an EJB to test the connection between the app client and the
app server and also to test the web start feature.
*Analysing the server.log file I can see the following messages:*
.Success: All ejb(s) of [vps1] loaded successfully!
.Warning: Error attempting to process extensions from the manifest of JAR
ignoring it and continuing
java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.open(Native Method)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(ZipFile.java:114)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(JarFile.java:133)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(JarFile.java:97)
Please let me know if I am missing something along the way.
Lee Andrew | Development | Alea Management & Technology Solution
Note: I have 3 modules inside my enterprise app: an ejb module, a war module
and an app client. Inside project properties, If I set the enterprise client
to the WAR then the 'Run' option of the popup menu is available. If I set
the enterprise client to the app client, then the 'Run' option of the popup
menu becomes grayed out and is not available anymore. I am not sure if this
behaviour is associated with the web-start error in some way.